Happy New Gear!

Hey ladies and gents! Hopefully some of you are visiting the site after joining our new Facebook page. Thanks for the support!

Our current position is that we’ve finished our first game, Wordsnap Contraption, and it’s sent off to Apple and we’re awaiting approval. So fingers and toes all crossed that it goes well and you’ll be able to play the game in a few weeks.

So what’s the game about? Think of a cross between Scrabble and Countdown. Tiles appear in the center row and you can touch and slide a tile to any of the 4 other rows. The idea is to make words on these rows, hit the button on the right when you’ve got a full word and rake in the points! Getting words of certain lengths rewards you with multipliers that you can use in future words for big big scores! There’s also a lot of strategy to the game. You can create partial words and hope the missing tile(s) will appear later or you can steal tiles from one row and add it to another.

The original idea came about back in 2008 (see pic below) and we eventually got around to developing it this summer and put the polishing touches on it a few weeks back.

We’re really proud of the game. Between the two of us we did all the design, coding, art and music. I don’t think the game would be anywhere as good as it is without Dave and I consulting each other and motivating each other every single day. I’m going to do a further post soon on the different looks of the game.

Check back on our Facebook page soon for a chance to win a free copy of the game when it’s released!


Jan 2, 2011 / Blog / Wordsnap Contraption