Motion Picture Goodness

It’s been roughly a month since we started working on our gravity game, tentatively titled ‘Gravitate’. Dave wrote the flash proof of concept in around two and a half hours and it took around 12 hours, spread out over a few days, to get the game up and running with the visual style that we showed in the last post. Here’s a video of the game as of two weeks ago. The video shows an exaggerated guide for firing projectiles because we think it looks awesome. At the moment the levels are generated randomly, to be honest we’re surprised how much fun some of the levels have turned out to be.

Since that video was taken we’ve started work on a more fully featured level editor, we’re not sure if this will show up in the initial release of the game or not as we’ve tied it to a local server for convenience of loading, saving and sharing levels without the need to rebuild.

At the moment we’re ready to start beta testing core gameplay, but we’re going to hold off until we’ve some new gameplay features added along with our music. We’ve commissioned some retro chip tune music to be written for the game, when we get the final masters we’ll put some previews up.

That’s all for now, stay tuned for more updates later in the week.

Feb 22, 2010 / Blog / Gravity Game

Brian de B

Feb 22, 2010

Looking good lads!! The final product will be awesome.

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